May 08, 2023
Build an Acne Routine like a Cosmetic Chemist | CC Podcast S4 Ep8
Let’s get into acne and how to build a solid acne routine. We discuss the research side where groups are looking into the microbiome, bacne, and even acne for people of color! We discuss how to assess your breakouts and how to build a proper acne routine. These are all critical pieces of knowledge to have as many of us tackle this stubborn and what feels like never-ending skin concern!
0:45 | Nice Words We Didn’t Pay For
6:33 | The Meatz Pt. 1: An Acne Update: Microbiome, Diet, Truncal Acne, & Acne for POC
32:13 | Animal Corner: The Quetzal
36:15 | The Meatz Pt. 2: How to Asses Your Acne Situation & Build a Good Routine